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Cooking Lesson

Parents Consultation 

Parental guidance and support play a vital role in helping children develop executive function skills, which are essential for success in academics, social interactions, and daily life. Executive function skills encompass a range of cognitive abilities, including self-control, working memory, organization, planning, and problem-solving.

Overall, parental guidance and support are essential for helping children develop and strengthen their executive function skills. By providing opportunities for practice, modeling effective strategies, and offering encouragement, parents can empower their children to become confident and capable individuals equipped with the skills needed for success in school and beyond.

We can help you develop a specific plan that fit with your family needs and practice strategies to support your child at home.

We can help guide you with the following: 

  • Establish Routines: Creating predictable routines and schedules helps children develop a sense of structure and organization. Consistent daily routines can teach children how to manage their time effectively and plan ahead.

  • Model Executive Functioning: Parents can model effective executive function skills by demonstrating behaviors such as planning meals, organizing household tasks, and managing time wisely. Children learn by observing and imitating their parents' actions.

  • Provide Opportunities for Decision-Making: Encouraging children to make decisions and solve problems independently helps strengthen their executive function skills. Parents can offer choices and allow children to experience the consequences of their decisions in a supportive environment.

  • Break Tasks into Manageable Steps: Teaching children to break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps can help them develop planning and organization skills. Parents can provide guidance and support as children learn to tackle tasks one step at a time.

  • Encourage Self-Regulation: Teaching children strategies for self-regulation, such as deep breathing exercises or taking a break when feeling overwhelmed, helps them develop emotional control and impulse management skills.

  • Provide Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledging and praising children's efforts to use executive function skills encourages them to continue practicing these skills. Positive reinforcement helps build confidence and motivation.

  • Create a Supportive Environment: Establishing a supportive and nurturing home environment where children feel safe to take risks and make mistakes fosters a growth mindset. Parents can offer encouragement and support as children navigate challenges and setbacks.

  • Support your child's academics and tasks. 

  • Help you create supportive habits for your child. 


Our providers have background in special education and child development. 

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